Meet Your Assistant Techno-Scribe, Rodney Miles!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult6
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth0
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldPack Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Assistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor
Day JobNetwork IT Engineer
HobbiesChurch, Family, Scouting
Home BSA DistrictRivers
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life51-100 nights
Why do I do Scouting?I “do” Scouting because I love to make a difference and I believe in the Scout program.
My role on staffAssistant Techno-Scribe
The food that makes me gagSeafood in general and pineapple on pizza.
What Super Power would I choose to have?Invisibility
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beNeon Green
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beA covered bridge.

Meet Your Technoscribe, Dave Anderson!!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult15
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth8
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Tiger Den Leader and/or Tiger Den Leader, Assistant Den Leader and/or Den Leader, Assistant Webelos Den Leader and/or Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and/or Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair, Pack Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Assistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor, Crew Associate Advisor and/or Crew Advisor, Chartered Organization Representative, Unit Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, Roundtable Staff
Day JobDirector, Operations Innovation and Support
HobbiesScouting, Camping, Travel
Home BSA DistrictCardinal
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life201-350 nights
Why do I do Scouting?I get as much as I give and learn as much as I teach.
My role on staffTechno-Scribe
The food that makes me gagEEL
What Super Power would I choose to have?Mind reading
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beBlue
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beSomething innocuous like the little plastic widget that holds bread bags shut. Nobody knows what to call it now and that probably wouldn’t change if they named it after me. Too much confusion if things are names the same. Every time somebody near me is looking for it, I’ll turn around thinking they’re looking for me.

Meet Your Assistant Scribe, Craig Giffin!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult8
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth10
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Den Leader and/or Den Leader, Assistant Webelos Den Leader and/or Webelos Den Leader, Pack Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Assistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Chair, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor, Chartered Organization Representative, Unit Commissioner
Day JobSenior Identity & Access Management Analyst
HobbiesScouting, Camping, Chilling
Home BSA DistrictCardinal
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life201-350 nights
Why do I do Scouting?For the memories past, present, and future.
My role on staffAssistant Scribe
The food that makes me gagHaving way too much!
What Super Power would I choose to have?Flying
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beBlue
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beMy son

Meet Your Course Mentor, Everett Winn!!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult37
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth12
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Tiger Den Leader and/or Tiger Den Leader, Assistant Den Leader and/or Den Leader, Assistant Webelos Den Leader and/or Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and/or Cubmaster, Pack Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Assistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor, Crew Associate Advisor and/or Crew Advisor, Unit Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, District Commissioner, District Committee Member, Roundtable Commissioner, Roundtable Staff, District Chair
Day JobCertified Public Accountant
HobbiesWoodworking, hiking, traveling and spending time with grandkids
Home BSA DistrictBattlefield
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life1000+ nights
Why do I do Scouting?For the youth
My role on staffCourse Mentor
The food that makes me gagcooked greens
What Super Power would I choose to have?Empath
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beGreen
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beHiking path or overlook

Meet Troop Guide, Dan Carr!!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult21
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth11
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor, Roundtable Commissioner
Day JobBiology teacher
Hobbiescycling, camping, gardening, reading, long walks on the beach
Home BSA DistrictCapitol
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life1000+ nights
Why do I do Scouting?I engage in Scouting to raise the next generation of Americans to be productive, self aware and conscientious members of their communities.
My role on staffTroop Guide
The food that makes me gagnothing yet
What Super Power would I choose to have?To do multivariate statistics in my head
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would bepale olive green
If a thing had to be named after me, it would bea bicycle

Meet Your Friendly Assistant Quarter Master, Herb Eggleston!!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult12
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth5
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Tiger Den Leader and/or Tiger Den Leader, Assistant Den Leader and/or Den Leader, Assistant Webelos Den Leader and/or Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and/or Cubmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Merit Badge Counselor, Crew Associate Advisor and/or Crew Advisor, District Committee Member, Roundtable Commissioner, Roundtable Staff
Day JobApplication Engineer
HobbiesFishing, kayaking, camping, working with my hands.
Home BSA DistrictArrohattoc
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life501-750 nights
Why do I do Scouting?For the youth
My role on staffTo help everyone.
The food that makes me gagMayonnaise
What Super Power would I choose to have?Flying
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beOrange
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beThe ocean.

Meet your Backup Health Officer and Friendly Assistant Quarter Master, John Fugman!

Years of Scouting experience as an Adult13
Years of Scouting experience as a Youth8
ALL the Scouting Positions I’ve HeldAssistant Scoutmaster and/or Scoutmaster, Troop Committee Member (includes Treasurer, Advancement, etc.), Merit Badge Counselor, Unit Commissioner, Assistant District Commissioner, District Committee Member, Council Commodore
Day JobDivision Chief of Training & Operations
HobbiesCoin Collecting, Fencing
Home BSA DistrictCardinal
Estimate of how many nights I’ve been camping in my life201-350 nights
Why do I do Scouting?To give back and provide guidance and support to the youth, that are our future.
My role on staffFriendly Assistant Quartermaster and Back up Health Officer
The food that makes me gagBroiled Liver and Onions (ate it too much as a youth – dad’s favorite meal)
What Super Power would I choose to have?Healing
If I could choose only one color to wear for the rest of my life, it would beTactical Blue
If a thing had to be named after me, it would beA Scout Camp